Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Bible Is True And Not Myths - 1258 Words

Archaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and translated has shown people today how the people back in the bible lived and worked. Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old Testament, the book of Judges took place around the Iron Age period, which was 1200 – 586 BC. Excavations have provided some useful information about daily life in ancient Israel during Judges, including the land, climate and people. However, before we learn about how people lived their daily lives in Israel during the Iron Ages, we should learn about the geography of Israel. The land of Israel stretches from Dan in the North to Beersheba in the South and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Transjordan in the east. Israel s landscape is divided into five main regions and even though the regions are in the same place they all receive different amounts of rain, which produce different crops. The first region, the coastal plain, goes along the Mediterranean coast to Rosh HaNiqura, receives about 25 to 16 inches of rain which is a great place to grow grain. The second region, is the central mountain range that goes from Galilee to Negev Highlands; this region receives from 20 toShow MoreRelatedThe Bible Is True And Not Myths1258 Words   |  6 PagesArchaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and translated has shown people today how the people back in the bible lived and worked. Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old TestamentRead MoreReligion and Myth1007 Words   |  5 PagesA biblical myth is defined by Burrows, (1946) as a symbolic, approximate expression of truth which the human mind cannot perceive sharply and completely, but can only glimpse vaguely, and therefore cannot adequately express. In bibilical interpretation a myth is a story which communicates a set of values or beliefs through imagery. The most important thing in the myth is the message and not the literal truth of the imagery. . Good examples in the bible include: Jonah and the Whale Noah’s ArkRead MoreHum 105 WORLD MYTHOLOGY Essay779 Words   |  4 Pagesthe word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, â€Å"It’s a myth† mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The word myth is used most popularly in tales and stories. These tales and stories have been passed down from generation to generation and are based on some truth, but mostly an idea or common theme. The statement â€Å"It’s a myth† means thatRead MoreUse Of Symbolic Communications For An Individual Act Of Faith1569 Words   |  7 PagesThe word â€Å"myth† is being used abundantly when indicating a false story, the spiritual world that hasn’t been proven is important to many different religions and is more real to a culture than the observable facts. In the Hebrew Bible, Qur’an, and New Testament the ancient people told stories that are recorded in these scriptures. God, angels or demons aren’t able to be physically seen which all religions can agree on. However during prayer or any acts of religious service the unknown presence ofRead MoreBible vs. Mythology994 Words   |  4 Pages Bible vs. Myth There are many similarities and differences between Greek Mythology and The Bible. Whether it’s the creation of man and women, or the universe, stories have been told throughout time and some can be alike and others completely different. There are people that have gathered, translated and recorded all of these events for us now to learn about. Whether a person believes it is true or not is up to them but if a God is real how come the stories between these two different beliefsRead More Definition Essay1002 Words   |  5 PagesDefinition Essay The origin of the word myth seems to be a myth in itself. Myths have generally originated from a Greek history that used an oral tradition to explain events that occurred before the written word. Often supernatural beings or fictitious characters were used to explain popular ideas concerning phenomenas of nature or the history of people. The myths that were carried on from generation to generation were often very imaginative in an attempt to spark the interest of youngRead MoreMyths According to Joseph Campbell1161 Words   |  5 PagesKevin Gerbier What is a myth? When one thinks of a myth perhaps one thinks about a story being told by the fire, or a dramatic tale about an invincible hero, or perhaps a cosmological occurrence that caused everything to be. Personally, when I think of the word myth, I think of the ancient Greeks or Romans with their many gods and goddesses; however, to most, the story being told by a myth is simply that, just a story. To most the term â€Å"myth† has been confused for a legend or folklore. TheRead MoreTypes of Mythology Worksheet Essay1013 Words   |  5 PagesMaterial Types of Myths Worksheet Knowledge, Belief, Myth, and Religion Directions: Answer the following question on knowledge, belief, myth, and religion in 3 to 5 sentences. How are knowledge, belief, myth, and religion related to one another and how are they distinct from one another? Use an example from your life or popular culture to explain this relationship. Knowledge is made up of facts, truth, stories, and more. Belief is â€Å"the assertion that something is true without necessaryRead More Comparing Creation Myths of Ancient Egypt and The Christian Bible1218 Words   |  5 PagesComparing Creation Myths of Ancient Egypt and The Christian Bible Creation in Ancient Egyptian religion can be much different than the creation account taken from The Bible. Genesis has a set description of â€Å"The Beginning† while there are several different versions and variations in Egyptian mythology. The versions range from a â€Å"one god† myth (Ptah; see picture) to the more common creator out of Nun, which in itself has several derivations. The Ogdoad is a grouping of eight gods that existedRead MoreThere Is No Scientific Proof That A God Or God?1280 Words   |  6 Pagesgod or gods exist; therefore god is but a myth. There are many different types of beliefs in this huge world. No one is quite sure what will happen after I die. They say that this will happen, or that, but at the end of the day, are those beliefs false? This is where atheists come in. Atheists do not believe in a god. â€Å"They argue that scientific evidence proves that life on Earth evolved over many millennia, not according to the literal timetable of the Bible. They argue that there is no logical reason

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Essay - 2000 Words

Chinua Achebe’s novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart† chronicles the life of Okonkwo, a strong man whose existence is dominated by fear and anger, and the Ibo tribe, a people deeply rooted in cultural belief and tradition. As events unfold, Okonkwo’s carefully constructed world and the Ibo way of life collapses. The story of Okonkwo’s fall from a respected and feared leader of the Ibo tribe to an outcast who dies in disgrace dramatizes his inability to evolve beyond his personal beliefs, affecting the entire Ibo tribe beyond measure. The â€Å"things† that fall apart in Achebe’s novel are Okonkwo’s life – his ambition, dreams, family unity and material wealth – and the Ibo way of life – their beliefs, culture and values. The greatest force that†¦show more content†¦11, para. 2). Because the village of Umuofia is widely feared, Mbaino peacefully presents a fifteen year old boy and a virgin to Umuofia as retribution for the killing, and it is decided the boy, Ikemefuna, will stay with Okonkwo until the elders decide his fate. â€Å"Ikemefunas stay in Okonkwos home was supposed to be a temporary arrangement -- until the clan decided what was to be done with him -- but he ended up living as a member of the family for three years† (Akwani, 2011, para. 11). Okonkwo places Ikemefuna in the home of his most senior wife, who is also the mother of Okonkwo’s oldest son, Nwoye. Ikemefuna is very well-liked by Okonkwo and his family, and becomes a mentor and best friend to Nwoye. Okonkwo feels dismay that Nwoye is taking on the torpid characteristics of his grandfather, Unoka, and is quite pleased that Nwoye is thriving and maturing under Ikemefuna’s guidance. â€Å"Okonkwo was inwardly pleased at his son’s development, and he knew it was due to Ikemefuna† (Achebe, 1958, p. 52, para. 2). Okonkwo’s pride, and fear of demonstrating any perceived sign of weakness, does not allow him to show any favorable emotion to Ikemefuna; he treats him with the same severity he does the rest of his family. â€Å"Even Okonkwo himselfShow MoreRelatedChinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1601 Words   |  7 Pagesbelieved they were bringing positive changes and good deeds to the locals from an Imperialistic point of view, the majority of natives were affected by the political, cultural, religious, and economic changes which are depicted in the Ache be’s novel, Things Fall Apart. The novel primarily focuses on small villages such as Umuofia village in southern Nigeria, and the native’s first and prolonged contacts with the British expansionism or missionaries. In the novel, Achebe depicts the political changesRead MoreChinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1007 Words   |  5 PagesFearful Flaw Okonkwo is the protagonist of Chinua Achebe’s story, Things Fall Apart. He has a calamitous flaw that dominates his life. His fear of failure and of weakness causes him to take unnecessary and destructive actions. His fear of weakness leads him to be emotionally distant from his children, beat his wives, kill Ikemefuna whom he loved, and the Commissioners messenger. His fear of failure causes him to disown his oldest son who did not meet his expectations, become well than his idle fatherRead MoreAnalysis of Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1579 Words   |  6 PagesChinua Achebes 1958 novel Things Fall Apart marked a significant turning point not only for literature, but the world, because the novel is an attempt to blend the conflicting identities and ideologies of Africa in the wake of colonization. The novel depicts the destructive tension that arises between the traditions of the Igbo people and white colonizers, but, perhaps contrary to the readers expectation, it does n ot present either side as holding the ethical high ground. Rather, the novel suggestsRead MoreChinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Essay1736 Words   |  7 PagesThe classic African literary tale Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a brilliant account of historical African culture and the destruction colonialism can cause upon such cultures. As the reader follows the narrative and complexity of the characters through the novel, a sense of pride, trust, and faith in history emerges. Yet, with the introduction of colonialism the characters must learn to embrace and adapt to a new culture and set of beliefs or face termination from society. TheRead MoreEssay on Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1835 Words   |  8 PagesChinua Achebe’s â€Å"Things fall apart† is a story about a man named Okonkwo who is successful and physically strong. However, Okonkwo is emotionally unavailable and afraid that he will be seen as weak and that others will compare him to his father. The book’s peak is when Okonkwo does something considered immoral by killing a boy who he had taken in and raised as his own for three years, because he did not want to be seen as weak. Okonkwo is ruled by one obsession and that is to hate everything thatRead More Analysis of Achebes Impartiality in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1098 Words   |  5 PagesAchebes Impartiality In Things Fall Apart   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Knowledge of Africa and the inhabitants of the massive continent were often portrayed as barbaric beasts by the first missionaries to enter the land.   Because of skewed writings by European missionary workers, a picture was painted for their readership of a savage Africa saved only by the benevolent, civilized western influence.   Achebe successfully attempts to redirect this attitude. Achebe educationally has the means to convey a different perspectiveRead More Existentialism in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay1635 Words   |  7 PagesExistentialism in Things Fall Apart      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chinua Achebe presents his audience with an interesting twist to a contemporary school of thought in his work Things Fall Apart.   This post-colonization narrative incorporates several traits that revolt against normative philosophic systems and tralititious theories and beliefs of the existence of man and his place in the universe.   Achebes efforts are characterized by a small diverse group of writers that purge realizations of predestinationRead More Missionaries Are to Blame in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart 842 Words   |  4 PagesMissionaries Are to Blame in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart      Ã‚   The burden and calling to reach out and help others, enfold many people in society throughout the world. Rich or poor, young or old, black, red or white, the motive is helping those with a need. As Chinua Achebe points out in his book, Things Fall Apart, though there is the aspiration to lend a hand, it can sometimes become deadly, and even fatal to the lives of people. Although the missionaries try help convert the Ibo villageRead More Okonkwo in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay973 Words   |  4 PagesOkonkwo in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart  Ã‚  Ã‚   Okonkwo, as presented by Chinua Achebe in the novel Things Fall Apart, wished to be revered by all as a man of great wealth, power and control--the antithesis of his father. Okonkwo was driven by the need to exhibit utmost control over himself and others; he was an obsessive and insecure man. Okonkwos father, Unoka, was a failure, a loafer, and People laughed at him (1426). This would bring great shame to any man as it did for OkonkwoRead MoreEssay on Gender in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart1881 Words   |  8 Pagescontradictions in the work of Chinua Achebe in relation to his placement of woman and femininity. Kristen Holst Petersen states that ‘the African discussion is between feminist emancipation versus the fight against neo-colonialism, particularly in its cultural aspect...which comes first, the fight for female equality or the fight against Western cultural imperialism’. This paper will attempt to highlight these contradictions in relation to Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Above all the tribe values

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Are You Sure It’s Fat Free Free Essays

Introduction: Food industry misleads us by calculating the fat content in packaged food on â€Å"weight basis† whereas the fat content (having to do more with the calorific value of a food item and not its weight) actually has to be calculated on the basis of the calorie value of the food item. So, the â€Å"calorie basis† is what has to be applied to know how much fat our food items actually carry. Here are three interesting eye-openers!! Breakfast: Oatmeal (Single serving = 45 g) Calories in a single serving = 160 Fat content is 2 g 1 g of fat has 9 calories 2 g of fat = 2 * 9 = 18 calories. We will write a custom essay sample on Are You Sure It’s Fat Free or any similar topic only for you Order Now The fat content is (18/160) * 100 = 11. 25 % Protein content is 1. 8 g 1 g of protein has 4 calories 1. 8 g of protein = 1. 8 * 4 = 7. 2 calories The protein content is (7. 2/160) * 100 = 4. 5% Lunch: Raisin Bran Crunch (Single serving = 60 g) Calories in a single serving = 190 Fat content is 1 g 1 g of fat has 9 calories The fat content is (9/190) * 100 = 4. 74 % Protein content is 3 g 1 g of protein has 4 calories 3 g of protein = 3 * 4 = 12 calories The protein content is (12/190) * 100 = 6. 32% Dinner: Vanilla Yogurt (Single serving = 225 g) Calories in a single serving = 110 Fat content is 2 g g of fat has 9 calories 2 g of fat = 2 * 9 = 18 calories The fat content is (18/110) * 100 = 16. 36 % Protein content is 5 g 1 g of protein has 4 calories 5 g of protein = 5 * 4 = 20 calories The protein content is (20/110) * 100 = 18. 18% Now, see what the food industry calculations would have been †¦ Breakfast: Oatmeal (Single serving = 45 g) Fat content is 2 g The fat content is (2 /45) * 100 = 4. 44 % Protein content is 1. 8 g The protein content is (1. 8/45) * 100 = 4% Lunch: Raisin Bran Crunch (Single serving = 60 g) Calories in a single serving = 190 Fat content is 1 g The fat content is (1/60) * 100 = 1. 7 % Protein content is 3 g The protein content is (3/60) * 100 = 5% Dinner: Vanilla Yogurt (Single serving = 225 g) Calories in a single serving = 110 Fat content is 2 g The fat content is (2/225) * 100 = 0. 89 % Protein content is 5 g The protein content is (5/225) * 100 = 2. 22% Conclusion: The above calculations speak for themselves. The actual fat/protein contents in packaged food stuffs are much more than what the food industry claims. This is misleading. The nutrition experts must enlighten the general public about this distorted information and help all towards better health. How to cite Are You Sure It’s Fat Free, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Case Study of Mrs Sharon McKenzie-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Questions: 1. Causes, incidence and risk factors of identified condition and its impact on the patient and family. 2. List five common signs of the selected diseases and for each provide the link to the underlying pathophysiology. 3. Describe two (2) common classes of drugs used for patients with the identified condition including physiological effect of each class on the body. 4. Identify and explain, in order of priority the nursing care strategies you, as the registered nurse, should use within the first 24 hours post admission for this patient. Answers: 1.Mrs. Sharon McKenzie is a 77 year female patient, who came to the emergency department with symptom of shortness of breath, swollen ankles, mild nausea and dizziness. Based on his vital sign observation and presenting symptoms, congestive cardiac failure (CCF) is the identified condition in Mrs. Sharon. CCF is a progressive and chronic clinical condition that affects the hearts ability to pump blood at normal rate. This results in symptoms of tachycardia, fatigue, weakness, wheezing and rapid pulse (Teerlink et al., 2013). Many abnormalities like pressure and volume overload affects the myocardial contractility and the ability to maintain arterial pressure of vital organs. In case of heart failure, the adaptive mechanism involved in maintaining the contractility of heart becomes maladaptive. This results in poor cardiac output and activation of three major compensatory mechanisms such as adrenergic system, rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and ventricular hypertrophy. The adren ergic mechanism enhances sympathetic activity and increases level of cathecholamines contributing peripheral vasoconstriction. Hence, the compensatory mechanism increases the venous return and lead to alterations in heart rate, preload, afterload and contractility (Kemp Conte, 2012).. CCF is a global pandemic affecting about 26 million people worldwide and its incidence is increasing data by day due to poor lifestyle and behavioral risk factors. It is a significant public health problem as CCF is associated with significant mortality, morbidity and health care expenditure (Roger, 2013). The review of heart disease statistics of Australia reveals that it is a significant health issue in Australia too as heart disease affects around 1.2 million Australians and it is the single leading cause of death in the country (The Heart Foundation, 2018). Hence, major preventive care activities needs to focus on addressing the behavioral risk factor of the disease. There are many common cause of CCF such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and alcohol consumption. Apart from this, poorly controlled diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol and family history of heart diseases are common risk factors that lead to CCF. Evidence has shown that diabetes amplifies the risk of CCF and many other comorbid conditions like obesity, hypertension and coronary heart disease contributes to high rate of CCF. Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia is directly linked to cardiac dysfunction due to its effect on cardiac metabolism and the rennin-angiotensin system (Nasir Aguilar, 2012). The diagnosis of CCF is associated with great physical and psychological impact on patient and their family member. They struggle to cope with the comorbidities of the condition and many psychosocial issues like depression and lack of social support further increases hospital admission rates in patient. In case of family members, emotional distress and care giving burden increases. Negative situations arising from care worsens their quality life, increases level of stress and increase care giving burden for family members (Lacerda et al. 2017). Hence, certain interventions should be implemented for family members to help them cope with psychological burden of the disease. 2.In case of Mrs. Sharon McKenzie, she was identified to be suffering from CCF due to presence of symptoms like shortness of breath, mild nausea, dizziness and swollen ankles and high respiratory rate. All the four symptoms along with palpitations are are common signs of CCF and they are linked to the pathophysiology of the disease. Edema is seen in patients with CCF due to the activation of humoral and neurohumoral mechanism that promotes reabsorption of sodium and water by the kidneys. Apart from this, CCF leads to abnormal Starling forces thus increasing venous capillary pressure and fluid extravasation. Such mechanism increases the likelihood of edema in patients with CCF (Arrigo et al. 2016). Shortness of breath is the most common symptom seen in CCF patient due to pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema may be caused by narrow of the arteries, kidney failure of effect of medications. During CCF, the hearts ability to pump blood at a normal rate is affected and this leads to accumulation of blood in the veins that take blood through the lungs. The increase in pressure in the blood vessels pushes fluid into the alveoli and disrupts normal oxygen exchange through the lungs. All these factors together causes shortness of breath in patient (Dub, Agostoni Laveneziana, 2016). Many patients with CCF experience symptoms of dizziness. Irregular heart beat also results in decreases blood pressure which leads to dizziness in patient. Dizziness is caused by the effect of medications too. In addition, the symptom of nausea is seen due to the build-up of fluid around liver and guts. The complex interaction between central nervous system, autonomic nervous system and endocrine nervous system results in nausea. Histamines and dopamines act as stimuli that give rise to nausea (Singh, Yoon Kuo 2016). The fifth symptom of CCF is palpitation and it is associated with very rapid or irregular heart beat in patient. This symptom in seen during CCF due to the effect of the disease on hears muscle contractility. Patients like McKenzie may feel that their heart is racing or pounding at a rapid rate. This may be caused by the onset of compensatory mechanism. Cardiac arrhythmias also results in high heart rate and it the condition affects the normal heart rhythm. The pathophysiology behind such condition is the onset of three mechanisms like enhanced automaticity, triggered activity or re-entry. The enhancement of automaticity results in multiple arrhythymia and symptom of palpitation in CCF patient (Raviele et al., 2011). It can be concluded that several mechanism like contraction of the heart rate and cardiac arrhythmias results in symptoms of palpitation in patient. 3.The two common classes of drugs that are used for patients with CCF include the ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors and the beta-blockers. Drugs like beta blockers are given to patient when there is a need to slow down heart rate and for this reason it is suitable for use in CCF patient as the condition mainly leads to rapid heart rate. Some examples of beta blockers include Metoprolol and Acebutolol and their physiological effect on the body is seen due to its role in blocking the effect of epinephrine hormone. Beta blockers are able to block the effect of the function of norepinephrine and epinephrine by binding to the beta-adrenorecptors where norepinephrine binds. Such action of the drugs results in inhibition of sympathetic effect. They are also known as partial agonist as during the process of binding, they activate the receptors too. Sympathetic influence are the reason for heart rate, contractility and electrical condition and betablockers reduce such sympathetic influence thus leading to a decreases in heart rate, contractility, conduction and relaxation rate. Due to such physiological effect of beta-blockers, this drug is most commonly given to CCF patient (Kotecha et al., 2017). ACE inhibitors are most common drug used for the management of heart failure. The main rational for its use is that it works to relax the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. This eventually leads to improved work flow and improvement in the hearts ability to pump blood to different parts of the body. The physiological mechanism of ACE inhibitor is seen due to their role in preventing the enzyme to produce angiotensin II. The effect of angiotensin is to the narrow the blood vessels thus contributing to high blood pressure. Such conditions make it harder for heart muscles to pump blood. However, the ACE inhibitors diminish the activity of rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system that controls blood pressure fluctuation in the body. Angiotensin II is an activated form of protein that stimulates release of aldosterone, however the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II is blocked by ACE inhibitors. This results in increased secretion of sodium and increase in cardiac output (La rson, Symons Jalili, 2012). For this reason, the drug is found to be useful for treatment of patients with CCF. 4.The review of Mrs. McKenzies vital sign observations revealed that she had blood pressure of 170/110 mm Hg, heart rate of 54 bpm, SpO2 at 92% and respiratory rate of 30 bpm per minutes. All the vital signs are above the normal range and hence the first nursing care priority is to address the abnormal vital sign of patient. The normal blood pressure is 120/80 however Mrs. McKenzie blood pressure observation shows that she is hypertensive. Implementing appropriate nursing intervention to increase blood pressure is necessary because hypertension increases risk of complication in patient. Hence, it will be necessary for nurse to consult physician to provided appropriate antihypertensive drugs that reduces blood pressure of Mrs. Sharon. Drugs like beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and nitrates are most effective in decreasing blood pressure and management of adverse symptoms in patient with CCF. Hypertension increases cardiac work and taking action against hypertension is the most effective strategy to provide relief to patient. Mrs. Sharons heart rate and respiratory rate was also abnormally high. Leaving this symptom untreated may lead to respiratory stress in patient. Hence, the nursing care plan for addressing these symptoms includes providing oxygenation to patient and providing appropriate body position alignment to patient. Oxygen therapy is also necessary to bring the SpO 2 value of Sharon to normal limits of 95-100%. The advantage of oxygen therapy for patients with CCF is that it reduces cardiac output and heart rate thus providing relied to patient (Larson, Symons Jalili, 2012). However, the rate of oxygen administered to patient must be carefully monitored as excessive supplemental oxygen may also deteriorate cardiac function of patient. To provide relief to patient, another care plan is to elevate head of bed of patient. The ABG value of patient will be monitored too to prevent adverse symptom in patient. This care plan can enhance comfort level of Sharaon (Pool et al. 2015). The second nursing care priority for management of Sharons condition is to take action for edema (swollen feet). The Symptom of edema is a sign that patient has high cardiac output. Hence, to provide appropriate care to patient, the nursing care plan is to evaluate fluid status of patient and identify fluid restrictions that are necessary for patient. Fluid restriction will help to maintain fluid volume for patient. Fluid intake and output measurements needs to be monitored at regular intervals too. In addition, diuretics may also be provided to Sharon to maintain fluid volume imbalances (Ter Maaten et al, 2015). The third care priority for the recovery of Sharon is to address symptom of hypothermia in patient. Review of Sharons condition revealed that her finger was cool to touch and she always used to wear bed socks for her cool feet. To maintain the body temperature of patient, it will be necessary to monitor fluid loss in patient and control the temperature of the room. Evidence has shown that targeted temperature management protocols are effective in addressing temperature changes in patient (Lundbye et al., 2017). Mrs. Sharons potassium level was 2.5 mmol/L. The normal level is 3.5-5.0 thus indicating that patient has hyperkalemia. This condition arise due to side effects of medications like diuretics and the care plan to address electrolyte imbalance is necessary to prevent further discomfort to patient (Urso, Brucculeri Caimi, 2015) References: Arrigo, M., Parissis, J. T., Akiyama, E., Mebazaa, A. (2016). Understanding acute heart failure: pathophysiology and diagnosis.European Heart Journal Supplements,18(suppl_G), G11-G18. Dub, B. P., Agostoni, P., Laveneziana, P. (2016). Exertional dyspnoea in chronic heart failure: the role of the lung and respiratory mechanical factors.European Respiratory Review,25(141), 317-332. Kemp, C. D., Conte, J. V. (2012). The pathophysiology of heart failure.Cardiovascular Pathology,21(5), 365-371. Kotecha, D., Flather, M. D., Altman, D. G., Holmes, J., Rosano, G., Wikstrand, J., ... Van Veldhuisen, D. J. (2017). Heart rate and rhythm and the benefit of beta-blockers in patients with heart failure.Journal of the American College of Cardiology,69(24), 2885-2896. Lacerda, M. S., Cirelli, M. A., Barros, A. L. B. L. D., Lopes, J. D. L. (2017). Anxiety, stress and depression in family members of patients with heart failure.Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP,51. Larson, A. J., Symons, J. D., Jalili, T. (2012). Therapeutic potential of quercetin to decrease blood pressure: review of efficacy and mechanisms.Advances in nutrition,3(1), 39-46. Lundbye, J., Hand, H., Adams, M., Boyd, L. (2017). Targeted Temperature Management in Nursing Care.Therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management,7(3), 122-124. Nasir, S., Aguilar, D. (2012). Congestive heart failure and diabetes mellitus: balancing glycemic control with heart failure improvement.American Journal of Cardiology,110(9), 50B-57B. Pool, J., Dercher, M., Hanson, B., Heiman, L., Li, Y., Schraeder, K., ... Ebberts, M. (2015). The effect of head of bed elevation on patient comfort after angiography.Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,30(6), 491-496. Raviele, A., Giada, F., Bergfeldt, L., Blanc, J. J., Blomstrom-Lundqvist, C., Mont, L., ... Document reviewers. (2011). Management of patients with palpitations: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association.Europace,13(7), 920-934. Roger, V. L. (2013). Epidemiology of heart failure.Circulation research,113(6), 646-659. Singh, P., Yoon, S. S., Kuo, B. (2016). Nausea: a review of pathophysiology and therapeutics.Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology,9(1), 98-112. Teerlink, J. R., Cotter, G., Davison, B. A., Felker, G. M., Filippatos, G., Greenberg, B. H., ... Dorobantu, M. I. (2013). Serelaxin, recombinant human relaxin-2, for treatment of acute heart failure (RELAX-AHF): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.The Lancet,381(9860), 29-39. Ter Maaten, J. M., Valente, M. A., Damman, K., Hillege, H. L., Navis, G., Voors, A. A. (2015). Diuretic response in acute heart failurepathophysiology, evaluation, and therapy.Nature Reviews Cardiology,12(3), 184. The Heart Foundation. (2018).Heart disease in Australia. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/heart-disease-in-australia Urso, C., Brucculeri, S., Caimi, G. (2015). Acidbase and electrolyte abnormalities in heart failure: pathophysiology and implications.Heart failure reviews,20(4), 493-503

Friday, November 29, 2019

The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay Example

The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay This is a question about the doctrine of notice or, the purchaser known as equitys darling (as they are sometimes referred to). In order to critically evaluate the validity of the view expressed by the writer in the question, it is will be necessary to: a) understand the doctrine of notice and its historical development and, b) determine whether the current position of the law and the applicability of the doctrine of notice is pertinent for purchasers of land today. In addition to these elements, it will also be necessary to factor in some understanding of the way that land is registered in the United Kingdom, as well as the problems incurred through that land which remains unregistered and how various attempts (through statute) over the years have tried to tackle this problem. It is from these, that the doctrine of notice has its very origins. It is naturally of some considerable importance to apprise the different types of equitable interests in real property as it these which purchasers of land are interested in and, moreover, how to protect those interests. Determining exactly what ones interests in real property are however, is more difficult than at first it might seem, and therefore an understanding of precisely how equitable interests are formulated, listed, charged and notified is essential. We will write a custom essay sample on The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Finally, a passing acquaintance with where the law is likely to go in the future with hints at bills and up-and-coming statutes will help in our overall understanding of the issue. Argument The German philosopher, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) once famously said: The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history1. This undoubtedly holds true for the natural course of human nature often so quick to condemn things to the past when they no longer seem applicable; such is the case with the doctrine of notice. A doctrine is a belief, a system of beliefs or a fundamental principle that is accepted as authoritative by a person or a group of people2. To have notice of something is to be aware that it exists3. In relation to property law in particular, the idea of giving notice is therefore usually associated with a burden on the title, i.e. generally, there will be equitable interest(s) associated with that title for which the owner (or future purchaser) of the title requires (or would at least like to have) notification of. An equitable interest is a right in personam [Latin: directed towards a particular person] which can enforced, if considered fair. On the surface, this would seem to be a sensible and indeed desirable set of circumstances from which both the owner of the title or any future purchaser of that title could benefit; after all, is it not the case that as much information as possible is a good thing when one is dealing with the purchase of land? Therefore, by definition, the doctrine of notice is an accepted authority whereby information is (or should be) given to the owner of a title in land (or the future owner of that title) of any equitable interest(s) that may be associated with that title. When we are talking about unregistered land, historically the purchaser was always bound by legal estates and interests in the land this comes from the Latin in rem, a term describing the power a court may exercise over property, either real or personal. However, when buying unregistered land, the title the purchaser obtains is essentially only ever as good as that which the vendor has: Nemo Dat Quad Non Habet One cannot give what one does not have! The problem in land law is to achieve a balance between the interests of a purchaser on the one hand (in the broad definition of the Law of Property Act 1925 [s.1(3)]4 including a lessee and a mortgagee), and those of the owner of an equitable interest in the land on the other hand5. The modern day perception of the doctrine of notice has its roots in the ancient idea of equitys darling, which has become known as the bone fide purchaser rule, or a bone fide purchaser for value without notice, actual, constructive or imputed. This is a term used in the law of real property to refer to an innocent party who purchases property without being given (any or all) notification of third party claims that may exist in relation to the title in that property. Such a person must acquire the title to that property bona fide [Latin: In good faith], and have purchased it for actual consideration in economic terms i.e. for money, rather than as a beneficiary of a gift or a trust (which would be nominal consideration). Indeed, James LJ stated6 that the plea of purchase for valuable consideration without notice was an absolute, unqualified, unanswerable defence7. Equitys darling may well have been originally designed to promote the ideas of substantive justice; but in reality, and to use an equally revered metaphor of Trust Law, she was very much moneys mistress'8. In other words, the doctrine of notice was developed to ensure that the owner of the legal title would be aware of all the equitable interests associated with that title, thereby not becoming encumbered by them, and that it was in the interests of both contracting parties (seller and buyer) that notification of such equitable interests be given. Such was the aim of the Land Charges Act 19259. This is a very important consideration in law because, if such a person purchased a property free of those interests, and, more importantly, can show that they were genuinely unaware of any third-party interests in the land, then those third party equitable interests are effectively extinguished. This leaves the erstwhile owners of such interests with only one course of action left open to them an action in court against whoever granted them the equitable rights in the first place (which in itself can often prove complicated, as equitable interests such as easements, rights, privileges, co-ownership interests10, lodgers and joint tenants11 etc., are often granted as part of a beneficiary e.g., such as in a will. The person(s) who granted these interests may in fact be deceased!). There are a couple of exceptions worthy of note: a) if the equitable interest(s) in question have been entered on the Land Charges Register12, then they will bind a future purchaser with or without notice having been given, and, b) if the purchaser has received constructive notice of the equitable interest(s) prior to the purchase then a court will usually deem that person to have received notice of all such equitable interest(s) (basically, they knew that third party(s) had equitable interest(s) in the land, but chose to ignore them, or, pretended not to have knowledge of them at all). This second exception however, can work in both directions of course if a potential purchaser of real property decides not to bother looking into the details of any equitable interest(s) (should they exist), and later discovers after having purchased the property that such interest(s) do in fact exist, then they have no recourse open to them13 caveat emptor (another property law doctrine from ancient times) let the buyer beware! One very valid criticism of the Land Charges Act system is that because registration is the sole criterion of whether an interest is binding or not [LCA1972 s.4]14, it may operate unfairly i.e. its provisions may be used to deliberately evade interests of which a purchaser has actual knowledge15 (Midland Bank Trust Co. v Green [1981] AC 583)16. The doctrine of notice applied therefore to the enforceability of all sales of real property until the introduction of the Land Registration Act 1925. This act defined a simple list (LRA1925 s.70(1)) of accepted liability of registered land to overriding interests [i.e. when a person buys a legal estate in land which has a registered title, that person would not be bound by any third-party interests in that land unless they were entered on the Land Register, or, were deemed to be overriding]17. The LRA1925 has now been repealed and replaced with the Land Registration Act 2002, which came into force on 13 October 200318. Intended to simplify and modernise the law of land registration, the LRA2002 still retains overriding interests (although they are now referred to as unregistered interests that override, but also removed the relatively simple definitions found in the old s.70(1) of LRA1925 and replaced it with two statutory Schedules19, one of which (Schedule 3) might well have been written in part by a monkey with a typewriter. Paragraph 3 of the new Schedule 3, on easements, is almost unintelligible unless one knows beforehand what it is supposed to mean20. One could be forgiven for being critical at this point in saying that this hardly looks like being a form of simplification, and yet, this is because some of the changes in LRA2002 are very subtle indeed: Firstly, the wording of Schedule 1(2) and Schedule 3(2) so far as relating to land of which he is in actual occupation has been inserted to remove the effects of Ferrishurst Ltd v Wallcite Ltd21. In that case the Court of Appeal was faced with the interpretation of LRA1925 s.70(1)(g) and questions raised concerning the exigibility22 or durability of property interests which allowed actual occupation to be enforced against the entire title, rather than the land actually occupied [Controversially, the Court of Appeal ruled that as the option to purchase was over the entire title, the claimant could exercise it over the entire title even though only in occupation of part of the land]. Secondly, there is now a duty on the transferee of a registered title to disclose third party interest(s) affecting the estate (when they apply to be the new registered proprietor) [LRA2002 s.71]; failure to do so does not however render the interest(s) invalid, and in such a case will continue to bind the new owner if the interest(s) qualify under LRA2002 Schedule 3 (although, even some of these so-called sunset interests will lose their overriding status 10 years after the Schedule entered force)23. Thirdly, it was the undoubted intention of the statute makers of LCA1972 and LRA2002 to work towards the implementation of a more coherent system of land registration one in which all the records of equitable interests, the various charges and other rights held in the land could be made readily available, easily and quickly, thereby aiding the sale and disposition of land. To that end, LRA2002 introduced the possibility of electronic conveyancing (LRA2002 s.91)24, and although the act does have the provision within it for DIY conveyancing through electronic means, we are still some way off e-register terminals at Tesco25. Perhaps my greatest criticism of LRA2002 however, is that it could have gone so much further towards enforcing the registration of unregistered land and did not do so. For that to happen, we must all wait for the next big thing in land law legislation. Conclusion So, where does all that leave us today? Well, in my opinion, the views of the author in the statement are at the very least, far too broad, and, at worst, completely incorrect. It is true to say that, were all the land in the United Kingdom safely entered as part of the Land Registry, then the doctrine of notice would serve little purpose. However, the stark fact of the matter is that as of 2007, only 85% of the land in the United Kingdom is registered which of course still leaves a staggering 15% of land unregistered (some 14,200 square miles!)26. Of course, all that unregistered land is not in one place. We are talking about small patches of land here and there, dotted all over the place (which, none the less, adds up to an area somewhat larger than the Kingdom of Belgium!). The question consequently, must hinge on whether there is any likelihood of this land ever becoming registered, thus rendering the said doctrine obsolete. This is harder to predict than at first it might seem. As I have already pointed out, the definitive aim of the statute-makers of 1925, 1936, 1969, 1972, 1986, 1988, 1997 and 2002, was to see all land in the United Kingdom entered on the Land Register; but efforts in earlier times27 to co-ordinate a system of land registration had proved just as ineffective as those of the 20th and 21st Century. Therefore, unless some extraordinarily sweeping piece of legislation is brought into law at some point in the future legislation which would enforces the registration of all the 14,200 square miles of currently unregistered land then the obvious conclusion must remain that the doctrine of notice cannot, and indeed should not [yet] be consigned to the history books. It may only serve a limited and rapidly diminishing purpose, but for those who still rely on equitys darling, it is a vital piece of British law.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Evolutionary Explanations of Parental Investment Essays

Evolutionary Explanations of Parental Investment Essays Evolutionary Explanations of Parental Investment Paper Evolutionary Explanations of Parental Investment Paper The parental investment theory was put forward by Robert Trivers in 1972, and argues that differences between males and females have their origins in the different amount of time, energy and effort being put into having a child. We often hear that males seem to behave in a more aggressive manner, they care more about physical attractiveness in a partner than personality, and that women value financial capacity of potential partners the most (Buss, 1989). An explanation of this is that males and females have a different amount of parental investment, and the root of the behaviour is in Darwins natural selection theory which proposes that those who are reproductively successful and leave more offspring will have their characteristics passed on. Therefore, the aim for both males and females is to create as many living, healthy offspring as possible. A males investment is relatively small, as he has almost no limit to how many children he can make, and therefore the best way to maximise his reproductive success is to have many matings with multiple fertile partners. However, a females investment is very substantial. She has a limited supply of gamete and her reproductive life is short, she carries the growing foetus around for 9 months and after giving birth, she must continue to nourish the child by breastfeeding, or else the child will not survive. Therefore, her best chance of reproductive success is to ensure the survival of her few precious offspring, and therefore will need a partner who is able to provide for her and her child, showing commitment when she cannot get her own food because of being too busy looking after the child. This theory helps us to understand mate preferences. Buss (1989), having conducted a commendable 33-country cross-cultural study found that men valued physical attractiveness more than women did and also valued women younger than themselves. This supports the idea of men wanting fertile women with good genes, although as this study was a survey, we cannot for definite rule out dishonesty or indeed differences in the definition of preference or value between cultures or between sexes. Evidence for the theory was also found in Clark and Hatfields studies (1989 and 1990) where male and female students were approached by strangers asking for casual sex. Interestingly, none of the women agreed but 75% of men did, suggesting that they may want to spread out their genes between willing fertile volunteers. Trivers theory helps us to understand the observed differences in sexual jealousy (men became more distressed at the thought of their partners being sexually unfaithful whilst women were more concerned with their male partner being in love with another person Buss, 1993). It must be mentioned here that this type of experiment has several ethical problems, like the lack of informed consent at the beginning and distress. It may just have been that the females felt more vulnerable since they did not know the strangers and perhaps would have agreed under different circumstances. Also, the outcome of the study may have been down to biological differences in hormone levels and brain structure rather than evolutionary behaviour. The parental investment theory suggests that a male is more likely to want lots of partners for reproductive success, and evidence for this was given by Buss and Schmitt (1993) when they asked men and women their ideal number of sexual partners in a lifetime. The averages were, respectively, 18 (men) and between 4 and 5 (women). This clear difference shows that men tend to seek and desire a greater number of partners, and the theory can explain why this is.  A major flaw in the evolutionary explanation is that it is practically impossible to prove it because we cannot, as of yet, travel through time and witness the behaviour of our predecessors firsthand. Having said this, it is relatively reliable due to its links with Darwins widely-accepted theories of sexual selection and natural selection. Furthermore, the theory ignores the obvious evidence that not all mating is about long-term relationships and that women as well as men clearly engage in short-term relationships.  An extension or even improvement of the theory is the Sexual Strategies theory devised by Buss and Schmitt (1993). It argues that the parental investment theory is too reductionist and that men and women might look for both a short-term and long-term mate, and demonstrates behaviours for both; women as well as men might want to have a one-night stand for mate insurance, just in case her proper mate disappears. There has been evidence to support this (Norman and Kendrick, 2006), showing that women will look for physically attractive males especially in a one-night stand. It would seem that the parental investment theory may be rather accurate in that it explains a variety of behaviour differences between males and females, but it is almost impossible to prove and other theories such as the SS theory by Buss and Schmitt (1993) provides an answer to some of the limitations of the theory. It is likely that the two theories together provide a better explanation than the parental investment theory alone.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To what degree does trust affect the competition in E-commerce Essay

To what degree does trust affect the competition in E-commerce - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that e-commerce or electronic commerce is a type of commerce where buying and selling of products and services are virtual, in that it is conducted across electronic platforms like the internet and other computer-enabled networks. E-commerce is a recent development has cropped up after the introduction of the computer and the internet. In the virtual world of e-commerce, trade becomes a process of communicating via systems that connect the buyer and seller in a virtual marketplace. Like in the other common types of commerce, e-commerce involves a lot of communication between the buyer and the seller in such a way that, the interaction buffers the deficit created by the existence of a virtual trading platform, which deviates from the one-on-one contact in typical trading. E-commerce utilizes several technological developments in the world of commerce, communication, marketing, data exchange, payments and computers among other major developme nts that enhance execution of e-commerce. These developments include; internet marketing, electronic funds transfer, mobile commerce, electronic data exchange (EDI), online transaction systems and automated data collection among other technologies. E-commerce relies on a set of technologies to successfully execute transactions. A typical e-commerce transaction starts with a customer visiting a company’s website that acts as a virtual store for products and services that the company deals with. The customer shops for the products and places an order of one or several items in the store.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Internet Law - ODR or Litigation (the detailed question is below) Essay

Internet Law - ODR or Litigation (the detailed question is below) - Essay Example The essay discusses the advantages and disadvantages of ODR and explains why it is the most preferable method in the modern world. The essay also discusses the efforts put in place in the EU to increase the effectiveness of ODR, for example, the Regulation on Consumer ODR and the EC Directive on Consumer ADR of 2013. In addition, the essay considers the Brussels I Regulation is explaining why ODR is the best method of dispute resolution. The advanced communication and information technologies have enabled resolution of disputes through videoconferencing, email, or both. ODR can be used to resolve disputes that arises from the e-commerce transactions or other disputes that are not related to the internet. Online Dispute Resolution has provided an alternative to the traditional legal ways of solving cases that involve a judge who decides the cases at the court. The conflicting parties can, as well meet in person and negotiate their disputes and at the same time, combine with online-based resolutions to enter into agreements.1 Such combinations of â€Å"online† and â€Å"offline† interactions are also considered to be part of Online Dispute Resolution. There are increasing numbers of organisations that provide Online Dispute Resolution services around the world. These organizations are growing the modern trend of easing the courts with voluminous cases by providing a simpler and low-cost platform for peop le to resolve their cases.2 Online Dispute Resolution takes different forms, which may include mediation, arbitration and negotiation. Mediation involves resolution of disputes between two conflicting parties using a mediator. The parties present their arguments, issues and evidence to the mediator who a neutral third party in the private and voluntary process. Mediation can be done exclusively via email and/or videoconferencing, or by physically meeting in one room. In some

Monday, November 18, 2019

EMBA 550 MArketing initial post week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EMBA 550 MArketing initial post week 6 - Essay Example arious markets that current or traditional channels do not fully explore, supply chain strategy often necessitates the establishment of new and multiple channels. â€Å"The use of multiple channels may arise out of necessity in order to meet customer needs or by design. Multiple channels enable a manufacturer to offer two or more lines of the same merchandise through two or more means.† (Ferrel & Hartline, 2010, p. 283). The use of two or more distribution channels for essentially the same product is what constitutes dual distribution. There are some disadvantages that are attendant to dual or multiple distribution. One is that extra time, effort and money are required in running two or more distribution channels. Another is the risk of disintermediation, meaning that when the corporation deals directly with the customer, they compete against their traditional intermediaries who are members of its supply chain, thereby creating a potential source of conflict (Ferrel & Hartline, 2011). Sometimes, customers who go to brick-and-mortar distributors to view the products and ask questions, but end up purchasing the product online. This is unfair for the distributors. Dual distribution is not new. The U.S. Congress cited the New York Times (2/16/92, Section F, p. 5) which reported that 20% of McDonald’s stores are company operated, and for Taco Bell it is 60% (US Congress, 1992, p. 273). Hallmark uses dual distribution extensively. Hallmark cards primarily sell greeting cards through Hallmark stores, using selective distribution. At the same time, they also sell their Ambassador and Greetings card lines widely through supermarkets, drugstores, and discount retailers. Aside from these, Hallmark offers both cards and e-cards online, which constitutes a third channel (Ferrel & Hartline, 2011) Small businesses benefit immensely from dual distribution. Chagrin Shoe Leather & Luggage Repair, a family business located in Woodmere, Ohio, experienced a 20% increase in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Unity3d Game On Android Platform Computer Science Essay

Unity3d Game On Android Platform Computer Science Essay Unity3D is a popular 3D game engine in recent years, which is particularly suitable for independent game developers and small teams. It is a cross-platform game development software which mainly comprises eight products such as the Unity, Unity Pro, Asset Server, iOS, iOS Pro, Android and Android Pro. Without writing complex codes, programmers can quickly develop a scene by using the visual integrated development environment of Unity3D. Unity3D has special tools in easily programming a game. For example, platform-related operations are encapsulated in its internal, the complex game object-relations are managed by different visual views, and JavaScript, C # or Boo scripting languages are applied to program a game. A script program will be automatically compiled into a .NET DLL file, so the three scripting languages, in essence, have the same performance, their execution speed is 20 times faster than traditional JavaScript. These script languages have good cross platform ability as well. That means developers can deploy games on different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, iPad, iPhone and Android. In addition, games can run on the Web by installing a plug-in. That means developers can deploy games on different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, iPad, iPhone and Android. In addition, games can run on the Web by installing a plug-in. There are many techniques for de veloping Unity3D game. These methods have some of the drawbacks. Analysis: This part summarizes existing method related to my research work on Unity3D game on Android platform. 1. Augmented Reality and Image Recognition Based Framework for Treasure Hunt Games (2012) Zsolt Balint, Botond Kiss, Beata Magyari and Karoly Simon introduced the new possibilities in game creation and customization [1]. They proposed the framework that supports the development of these types of games, and provides exciting new possibilities offered by virtually. The framework is based on client-server architecture and its complexity is relatively high, being composed by several subsystems. Client applications have been developed for the iOS and the Android mobile platforms. While playing, the checkpoints provided by the server are displayed on a map, and a proposed route is marked to help the user finding and reaching them. The Android client also uses the Mina framework for establishing the connection with the server. The communication between the server and the mobile client applications is based on the TCP/IP protocol .The main advantage of Mina is efficient concurrency handling. Thousands of client requests can be served at the same time, using a single execution thr ead on server-side. It is not necessary to perform expensive thread creation operations when new clients are connected. They proposed new software that consists of three subsystems: server, Android client and iOS client. The development of a new game requires the customization of some framework elements. A framework for the development of augmented reality- based adventure games for Android and iOS platforms has been proposed. Due to the software architecture, a high number of simultaneously connected clients can be served; the system can be easily maintained and upgraded. By customizing specific elements from the framework online treasure and scavenger hunt games can be easily created and published. The searched treasures are part of the augmented reality, in this way the cost of game creation is significantly reduced in contrast to games with real objects. Furthermore, augmented reality can serve with many other interesting solutions, allowing the transformation of scenes. For treasure localization image recognition methods are used. In this way objects can be localized more precisely, and the application can be used inside buildings. 2. A Study and Implementation of Graphics Engine on Android Platform (2012) Cuixia Ni, Guang Jin and Xianliang Jiang developed a new graphics engine [2]. They used testing environment is the Android and the testing tool is Android Virtual Device. This study can be divided into three modules. It includes text spirit module, animation module and auxiliary module. The text spirit is the text content that is displayed on the scene. Due to the improvement of games and high expectations from players, games scenes have transformed from static to dynamic. The players hope that the games scenes are dynamic and variable. In this paper, they used the timer, tiled textures and some basic transformation to realize those functions. Timer Handler Class sets a series of time for the events and triggers them at the given time. Physics Handler Class is the base of the movement effect. The functions are to make an animation according to the simple physical rules and the interaction effect more verisimilitude, which can give players a better experience. 3. An Innovative ICT Service Creation Approach based on IMS and Android Collaboration ( 2011) Chung-Shih Tang, Yi-Kai Chiang, Chin-Yuen Twu, Ying-Dian Tsou, and Gong-Da Fan proposed a typical network architecture including the IMS core network for voice communication and Android Apps network for application download and execution [3]. This paper describes the SIP Clients in Android CPEs register to the IMS Core, which is mainly composed of Home Subscriber Server (HSS) and S-CSCF, and communicates to each other through the IMS session control. The Android CPEs, at the same time, can download applications from any Android Apps market. Some applications are stand-alone and fully executed on local Android CPEs. Some others may need the Android CPEs to cooperate with their corresponding 3rd party AP Servers. An integrated ICT service creation platform is proposed and implemented by them to support the development of IMS-initiated collaborative Android applications. Based on the proposed approach, telecom operators not only operate and manage their own Android markets, but also mak e best use of the telecom services and thus increase their competitiveness. Introducing such an ICT service creation platform into IMS-based NGN is expected of great advantage. They described, significant effects at least include: (a) revenue gained from Android apps download and execution; (b) enhanced utilization of existing telecom resources; (c) adhesion degree improvement of telcos subscribers; (d) a new-style use case of integrated ICT Android apps; and finally (e) without large investment on an IMS based NGN. 4. Design and Implementation of the Game Engine based on Android Platform (2011) Wu Yan-hui Yao Xia-xia He-Jin proposed the game engine design which is need to analysis the operating mechanism of the game [8]. They took Android for example and analyzed the design principle that is behind the game engine on Android and executed the game engine whats going on it. From their programming understanding, they said that the game on Android platform has an activity class, a process control class, a game thread class and some others game objects. Activity is the basic execute unit of one game and it is responsible for control the life cycle of the game, such as, start the game, pause and exit from the game and so on. In this part of the paper the authors mentioned that a process control class provides switch way between multiple interfaces (such as the start screen, main menu, game scene, help information and so on), besides that the users can control the running of the game. Game thread class continuously cycle between events that may occur, calculates the game state and refresh the screen. The event that the game program deal with can be divided into two types: one is generated from hardware device (such as the keyboard is pressed), and the other type is produced by internal objects in game program (such as the collision between game objects). Game objects are the actual movement entity of the game. The authors also mentioned that the game objects need to define the corresponding pictures and actions to perform in the game. When special event occurs, game objects will execute corresponding action according to running logic of the game. In order to enhance the running effect of the game, the player, timer, labels and other components are often used in games. More complex games also can be divided into a number of units according to the game plot and each unit is regarded as a game scene. In order to improve the running efficiency of the game, they introduced JNI into the development of game engine. 5. Adaptive Classification and Strategy Making System for Android Soccer Games (2012) Ming-Yuan Shieh, Juing-Shian Chiou, Chun-I Ko proposed the signal processing procedures in an android robot soccer game [5]. While the game starts, the top view image sequences of the field captured by the global CCD camera firstly, then the objective features of the robots, the ball and the environmental objects such as the door will be determined after digital image processing procedures. These objective features will offer the strategy making subsystem decision making data for path planning, game strategy decision and movement control command determination. There are two necessary steps before the proposed image processing procedures. The one is to execute a global image indexing scan; it intends to determine the center locations of objects such as ball and robots. Another step is to perform another scan for local recognition of objects. It aims to distinguish what the object is the ball, or a mated robot, or an opponent. The visual subsystem in the proposed system mainly consists of a CCD camera, a frame grabber card, attached modules and digital image processing programs. The key goal is to determine objective parameters of every object in the game field such as the locations of the ball, the robots, the door and the sidelines. He describes the sequences of image processing procedures are used in the proposed visual subsystem. He implemented a vision based android robot soccer system in actual FIRA AndroSot game. A visual subsystem is designed for recognition of objective features based on an omni-directional vision system. The host computer accomplishes image processing, strategy making, control command decision, and offer appropriate commands to every android robot to kick ball, trace, or defense. Based on SOMNN scheme, the object segmentation is insensitive of variant illumination. The adaptive algorithm of background generation provides proper salient motion detections. 6. Research on Key Technologies Base Unity3D Game Engine (2012) Jingming XIE developed the component model which is applied in the Unity3D game and provides a scalable programming architecture [6].Unity3D has many predefined components. Programmers can combine some of them to create a featurerichGameObject. In game development, besides directly using GameObjects predefined in Unity3D, programmers can create an empty GameObject with the information about position, rotation and scale of an object, and then add scripts or other components into it. In order to facilitate the same type of game object management, Unity3D affords the Prefab that is a technology like a template. A Prefab can contain both objects and game resources such as 3D models. There are a number of scripts in a game. A script is a class controlling the behavior of a game, which should inherit a base class called MonoBehaviour. MonoBehaviour defines common event triggering methods. When a predefined event occurs, an appropriate method will be automatically executed. They used distri bution of four android classes in Unity3D are AndroidInput, AndroidJNIHelper, AndroidJNI, AndroidJavaObject. They had generated the Random NPCs using Dynamic Algorithm. NPC is the abbreviation of non-player character. That the number and location of NPCs are dynamically changed can keep players strong interesting on a game and extend the vitality of the game. NPCs can be designed by the difficulty and logic of a game, this algorithm can be called when some NPCs need to be created in a game. There are mainly two ways of firing bullets in game development. One is that a true 3D object is modeled by decorating a bullet with texture and color. This approach needs to control the flight path of a bullet and destroy the bullet when it is out of bounds. Another method is to use ray tracing technology. That the light collides with an object means a bullet hits the object. In order to get more realistic effects, cartridge cases are pop-upped or sparks are twinkled at the gunpoint when bullets are fired. Moreover, drawing light between the launch point and target point can more realistically simulate the firing of bullets. In a 3D shooting game, a sight is usually provided to players. Players can move a mouse to control it for firing. The principle of this technique is to place a graphic sight in the center of the screen. Moving the mouse is equal to move the camera, which will cause the illusion of the sight moving in the screen. In fact, the coordinates of the camera are real target coordinates in game codes. 7. Mobile Technology for Games and Augmented Reality (2011) Jon A Preston, Jeff Chastine proposed the object-oriented approach which is utilize more advanced game engines such as the Unity Pro engine [7]. The main objective of this paper is Students are quickly able to utilize these in their games to realize advanced games, and this drives a deeper understanding of the concepts. They utilized the Unity engine, which was also free but can be upgraded to a pro edition to deploy to mobile devices. Beyond traditional games as many would imagine, these technologies can be utilized in interesting ways that appeal to a broad audience. They described one such example in a mobile augmented reality smart book where the user can interact with virtual objects which show atop the real world via the phones camera. When the user flips a page of the book, the characters on the phone can change, move around, and also interact with objects on the page of the book. Such experiences can be useful to bring creativity to students as they design not only the comput ational aspect on the phone but also the artistic aspect within the book. The virtual character within the phone standing on top of a picture in the real world, and this captures the type of experience and knowledge. Given the ubiquity of mobile computing devices and their appeal to students and given the accessibility of modern game engines, students can benefit from working with Unity and the Qualcomm Augmented Reality Toolkit. 8. Implementing Gymkhanas with Android Smartphones, a Multimedia M-Learning Game (2011) Gregorio Robles, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona presented a design of a generic game (gymkhanas) using Android mobile phone technology [4]. The main advantage of their work is participants, web-based infrastructure for the organizers and web services that allows interaction between them. The main objective of their work is to simplify and increase the experience of the participants. They have presented this, a game where users, usually in teams, have to surpass one challenge after the other. These type of games can be used with learning purposes by focusing questions on the content to be learned, and also consider other type of learning such as cooperative working and geographic (or local, in the case of a city) knowledge. They have shown how this implementation of system using smartphones outperforms traditional system both in technical terms as well as in the human resources devoted to organizing and controlling such an event. Once the system has been installed, no complex technical kn owledge is required for organizers and participants: organizers may set-up and run a gymkhana using a simple web interface, while participants face a typical smartphone application environment to surpass challenges. Depending on the type of challenge, participants will make use of the technologies commonly found in smartphones, such as geopositioning and pictures. Additional features include instant messaging between participants and organizers and the possibility of using augmented reality. 9. A New Method of Virtual Reality Based on Unity3D (2010) Sa Wang, Zhengli Mao, Changhai Zeng, Huili Gong, Shanshan Li, Beibei Chen. Used Unity3D as the development platform for virtual reality [9]. They designed Browser-Server three-tier architecture VR-based framework which is including 3 layers: presentation layer, logic layer and data layer. They adopted the hierarchical approach of geographic information system and they divided the study area into four layers: Terrain layer, Building layer, Transport layer and Vegetation layer. Unity3D has a highly optimized graphics pipeline for both DirectX and OpenGL. During the process of creating a scene, works in Unity3D are as follows: Shading, Programming, Collision Detection, and Showing Information by GUI Control, Publishing and Integrating. Unity3D comes with 40 shaders ranging from the simple to advance. All the built-in shaders integrate perfectly with any type of light, with cookies or without. They described, in order to publish online; the virtual reality system is generated by the first kind: Web Player. The project generates the system by build settings in File. We can also generate other kinds of systems, such as Windows Standalone, if we choose this kind of build settings, there will be an executable file and can set up in users computers. So, the virtual reality system could be run in different purpose even different operation system. 10. PicoLife: A Computer Vision-based Gesture Recognition and 3D Gaming System for Android Mobile Devices (2011) Mahesh Babu Mariappan, Xiaohu Guo, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran developed PicoLife which is powered by two engines [10]. First one is a mobile optimized computer vision engine based on OpenCV that tracks the users hand in realtime. Second one is a 3D engine that runs their motion-capture guided 3D models, which make up the game characters. They described the object tracking and the 3D modeling processes involved in PicoLife. This paper describes three main implementations: a) the training procedures for Cascaded Haar Classifiers later for performing real-time object tracking efficiently on the mobile platforms. b) the procedure for real-time object tracking using Cascaded Haar Classifiers. For the purpose of tracking, they used the Haar training XML file that they obtained after training the Haar classifiers. Firstly, get the image from the live video sequence. Secondly, convert the image to grayscale using a call to the cvtcolor function. Thirdly, they improve the contrast of the image that is getting processed. c) the 3D modeling process that they used to create the game characters. To obtain realistic animation effects, they used motion capture equipment to accurately capture human motions in a 3D space. They gave the specific focus on (1) advanced mobile-optimized real-time object tracking engine for recognizing hand gestures for a novel vision-based gaming interface and (2) advanced motioncapture guided 3D modeling pipeline for creating the game characters. They benchmarked three different mobile platforms, namely, Texas Instruments OMAP3630 (Motorola Droid X running Android Gingerbread), Qualcomms MSM8660 Snapdragon (HTC Evo 3D running Android Gingerbread) and the Texas Instruments OMAP4430 (Blaze Development platform running Android Gingerbread) using four computer vision algorithms used in PicoLife (FAST, STAR, SURF, Cascaded Haar Classifiers) and our 3D models(static and dynamic). Conclusion: Unity3D is not only applicable for game development, but it can also be used to develop applications in real world. If we want to develop some special functions of the scenes in a simple way, we can use the script or editor of unity3d. The most powerful editor is Visual Studio; the scenes in Untiy3D can also be compiled with Visual Studio by adding UnityEngine.dll. C. The affinity of the development language makes the existing mobile applications easily transplanted to Android platform. At the same time, Android is a Linux-based system, the large number of open source application library included in Linux can be used to develop abundant applications. Based on the Linux kernel, Android provides a variety of available library and a complete application framework. Android owns Apache copyright, and also provides Google-made Dalvik virtual machine to run applications. The Platform of Android with Unity3D Game can shorten the development cycle significantly. The combination of Unity3D and Android is efficient, user-friendly interface, and provide more parameters to be customized, so that new users can use this game better to play and quickly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ships Main Engine Lube Oil System :: essays research papers

Ship's Main Engine Lube Oil System Cleanliness of the lube oil is very vital in the Main Diesel Engine Lube Oil System. A strainer is a device that is usually made up of a single layer of course gauze, and a very course wire mesh. This setup is used to filter out large objects that could cause blockage or damage to the lube oil system. A filter is used to filter out much smaller particals. The filtering elements in a lube oil filter has a more complex make-up. Aboard our ship, we have self cleaning lube oil filters along with the standard lube oil filters. The size of the cartridges in these filters usually range from 3-12 mm. Our ship has two full flow filters per engine. The plates inside of a strainer corrode and erode very easily. Special attention must be given to these plates when cleaning them. Make sure that a gap has not formed at the end of the plate. If there is a gap, rags and other particles may pass right by. If in doubt of the condition of the plate, it should be renewed. The cost of a single plate is much cheaper than the cost of cleaning out an entire clogged system. All gasket surfaces must be checked closely to ensure a proper seal. Our ship has a high pressure lube oil system. Because of this, basket type strainers are used. Lube oil systems are equipped with a wide variety of strainers. It is important to operate these strainers at all times to prevent clogging. Aboard our ship, we have Hayward Plug-type Duplex Basket Strainers. All of these types of strainers are one way. The liquid to be strained enters to the top and filters through the bottom. Both strainers and filters clean lube oil using a similar process.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 16

The next week was one of the longest in my life. Every moment that passed was a moment without Seth and another reminder that I'd lost my one great love. Even if I hadn't quit as Santa's helper, that job would've been done now anyway, so my days were made even longer by their emptiness. Hugh was over a lot that week, and sometimes he and Roman tried to cheer me up or at least distract me. Mostly, they were holed up together, working on my appeal to Hell. They occasionally consulted me on it, but Hugh had most of the info he needed and simply had to put it all together in the appropriate manner. The two of them discussed other things too, mostly having to do with Hell's legal system in general. I didn't entirely understand why, but Roman was very adamant about learning every detail of it. It was like he was trying to pass the bar exam or something. I tried to preoccupy myself with packing for Las Vegas. Even with my appeal, I couldn't count on anything changing with my current Hellish status. So, I had to go forward with life as though Vegas were definitely in my future. Packing was mindless enough, however, that it didn't distract me so much as just provide more time for me to ruminate and agonize over being apart from Seth. Packing also had its own pitfalls because I kept running into things that reminded me of him. The worst was when I unearthed a box of keepsakes collected from over the centuries. The most recent addition was a ring Seth had given me last Christmas, just before we broke up. It was a modern twist on a Byzantine wedding ring, decorated with dolphins and sapphires. Even when we'd gotten back together, I'd left it in the box. Little did he know that I also had – in the same box – my actual wedding ring from the fifth century. It was worn with age but hadn't entirely lost its gleam. Looking at them both gave me a weird moment of disorientation as I tried to grasp the idea that they'd technically been given to me by the same person. During that week, I also received a fair amount of e-mail from the Las Vegas crew. Phoebe, Bastien, Luis, and even Matthias had stayed in touch since my visit, and all seemed to have increased their excitement over my pending move. Messages I would have found so witty and touching a week ago now left a bad taste in my mouth, now that I knew the truth about the transfer. Luis was simply helping to orchestrate Hell's grand plan to keep me and Seth apart, and I didn't trust a single word he said. Still, he was a demon, and one could expect a certain amount of insincerity from him. Phoebe and especially Bastien hurt more because they were operating under the pretense of friendship. I didn't doubt Bastien was still my friend, but everything he sent me seemed forced, since it was coming from the orders of those above him. Matthias was kind of a mystery. I didn't know what role he played here, if he was just a convenient mortal they'd found to take me on or if he was in league with Hell. Many humans knowingly were, in the hopes of grandiose rewards someday. For all I knew, he could be an innocent in all this, just an ordinary guy who thought he'd lucked out in finding a dancer. Without being able to say for sure, I took no joy in his e-mails either. Notably missing from the Las Vegas gang's correspondence was Jamie. I'd received no friendly â€Å"Can't wait to see you!† messages at all from him, something I suspected was also a direct result of Hell's orders. They wouldn't want to risk the topic of Milton again. When I mentioned this to Roman and Hugh, they told me it would be surprising if Jamie was even still in Las Vegas. If Hell saw him as a liability that might inadvertently expose the double-contract snafu, Hugh felt the odds were good they'd simply removed him to prevent me from finding him. If so, I hoped it was simply a matter of a transfer and that the imp hadn't been punished for drunkenly revealing information he didn't realize was dangerous. On New Year's Eve, Hugh and Roman told me my petition was finished. They presented it to me, a staggeringly huge stack of paper filled with legalese, and showed me where to sign. There was an air of both gravity and pride around them, like they'd just created a painstakingly crafted work of art. Considering how rare this type of event was, perhaps that wasn't such a bad assessment. I gave the ream back to Hugh, once I'd signed it about fifteen times. â€Å"Now what?† I asked. â€Å"Now I take it to Mei and say you gave it to me to submit to Hell. I also claim ignorance about what this is in regard to, but the fact that it went through me tips her off that there's a witness to it all. Not that she'd probably ‘lose it' or anything, but . . . well, with demons, it's best to be cautious.† â€Å"Are they really going to believe you're a hapless messenger ?† I asked. Hugh crooked me a smile and gestured to the paperwork. â€Å"Well, they certainly aren't going to believe you did this on your own. But there's no real way to prove my involvement, and anyway, I haven't technically done anything wrong. I'm an imp. I conduct business for Hell. That's what this is.† Too many days of pent-up emotion took hold of me, and I flung my arms around Hugh. â€Å"Thank you,† I said. â€Å"Thank you so much.† It was all kind of awkward since he was trying to juggle the papers, but he still managed to pat me on the back. â€Å"It's nothing, sweetie,† he said, seeming a bit flustered. â€Å"I just hope it actually accomplishes something.† I stepped back and attempted to get myself under control. â€Å"How will we know if it does?† â€Å"When you're summoned to Hell,† he said. â€Å"Oh.† My heart lurched with fear. â€Å"I actually . . . actually have to go there?† Roman leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. â€Å"How else do you think this is going to get resolved?† â€Å"I'd kind of just hoped they'd send me a letter,† I said. â€Å"You know, like a college acceptance.† Hugh snorted. â€Å"Afraid not. If they respond to it, they'll summon you to Hell and hold a hearing to examine the contract, your complaints, and whatever evidence either side can muster.† I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to picture what that hearing would be like. â€Å"I've never been to Hell. Have either of you?† They shook their heads, which wasn't a surprise. Lesser immortals were recruited on Earth, where they then served. We had no reason to visit the realm of our employers, not even an imp like Hugh. Roman, as a nephilim, was on Heaven and Hell's hit list. Walking into Hell would be like showing up in a lion's den and presenting yourself on a platter. â€Å"I always kind of pictured Hell as a cross between waiting in line at the DMV and watching a marathon of Perfect Strangers,† remarked Hugh. Roman shot him a sharp look. â€Å"What's wrong with that show?† Overcome, I hugged Hugh again and then Roman. â€Å"Thanks, you guys. I mean it. I owe you . . . more than I can ever pay back.† â€Å"Just win,† said Roman fiercely. â€Å"That's all the payback I need.† Hugh put the papers into his briefcase and slipped on his coat. â€Å"I'm going to get these over to Mei now, then head off to a party and drink away the memories of wading through all that legalese.† â€Å"You're going to Peter's?† I asked. Unsurprisingly, our vampire friend was holding a shindig to ring in the New Year. â€Å"Nah,† said Hugh. â€Å"Not much chance of getting laid there. I'm going to a party one of my nurses is hosting.† We wished him a happy new year and bid him farewell. As soon as he was gone, Roman turned to me. â€Å"What about you?† he asked. â€Å"Are you going to Peter's?† I knew Peter was counting on it, but it was hard to make myself feel like celebrating. â€Å"No. I'm not in the mood. Besides, I'm not sure I want to risk running into Jerome since I'm sure Mei's going to tell him about the appeal. I'll just keep packing.† â€Å"Come on,† Roman said. â€Å"You can't just sit around tonight. It's a new year . . . new opportunities. Maybe even the chance to break free of Hell.† I nodded, though it was still hard for me to imagine what â€Å"breaking free† would even look like. It was something we kept talking about, but I really couldn't feel it yet. And even though I'd talked a good talk to Seth about how the integrity of the soul and eternity were so much more important than any earthly concerns, it all seemed lackluster without him in my life. â€Å"I know,† I told Roman. â€Å"But any celebrating I do is going to be forced. If I'm going to be unhappy, I'd rather do it in a place where I feel comfortable.† He glanced at the clock. â€Å"Let's at least go out to dinner. Dress up and get a good meal. Then we'll come back and watch all the New Year's shows.† I didn't have much of an appetite but suspected if I said no, Roman would consign himself to the same self-imprisonment as me. I didn't want his night ruined because of me, especially after everything he'd done this week. One problem presented itself. â€Å"It's almost five,† I said. â€Å"We'll never get in anywhere on such short notice. Unless we want to dress up for Taco Bell. Which I'm actually not averse to.† Roman was already reaching for his cell phone. â€Å"I know someone who's a chef at this Italian place in Green Lake. We'll get a table.† Sure enough. One mysterious phone call, and we were on our way an hour later. I hadn't been up for elaborate styling and simply shape-shifted myself into New Year's finery, with an off-the-shoulder satin dress and my hair cascading in perfect waves. Roman had warned me â€Å"no black,† so the dress was dark purple, which still seemed appropriate for my mood. I paired it with a glittering necklace of white gold and amethysts that had been my Secret Santa gift to myself. I had great taste. â€Å"Have you made any moves to put your condo on the market?† asked Roman as he drove us through the city. â€Å"Contacted a real estate agent?† I gazed out at the bright lights of the downtown skyline. This time of year, darkness came early. â€Å"No. I need to. Unless . . .† I glanced over at him. â€Å"Do you want to keep staying there? I'll keep it and rent if you want.† He shook his head, a wry smile playing over his lips. â€Å"No. It wouldn't be the same without you and those furballs. I'll get another place. Sell it or rent it to someone else.† â€Å"Easier to sell,† I mused. â€Å"Well, in theory. But I'm not concerned with profit, and it saves the hassle of screening and dealing with – † I stopped as a startling thought suddenly came to me. â€Å"Hey. Do we have time for a, oh, fifteen-minute stop? Will your friend get rid of our table?† â€Å"Not if I call. Where do you need to go?† â€Å"The U District. Seth's place. Don't worry,† I added, seeing his look of alarm. â€Å"I'm not going to do anything crazy or lovestruck. I'm not even going to see Seth. Please? Just a quick stop?† Roman concurred, though his expression said this was against his better judgment. I almost told him his fears were unfounded because I was only going to actually stop if Margaret was home and Seth wasn't. The odds against that possibility seemed slim, particularly with the way my luck tended to run. The universe apparently owed me a favor because when we reached Seth's condo, I saw her car there but not his. A light inside gave me hope that they hadn't just all carpooled off together. â€Å"Do you need me to come in?† asked Roman, as he pulled into my parking spot. â€Å"No, but thanks. I'll be right back.† I left the car and walked up to the door, hoping some wacky happenstance wouldn't actually put me face to face with Seth. Not that I wouldn't have loved to see him. God, I missed him so, so much. But I knew no good could come of an encounter between us. I rang the bell and waited anxiously. A few moments later, Margaret answered. â€Å"Georgina,† she said, clearly surprised. â€Å"What are you doing here?† She took in my appearance. â€Å"Are you supposed to meet Seth?† â€Å"No . . . can I come in for a minute? I'll be fast, I promise.† She had on a coat, making me think she'd been about to leave. Either that or she was trying to save Seth money on his heating bills. She gestured me inside and shut the door. â€Å"I was about to go to Terry's. Seth's already there.† I didn't bother asking where Ian was. He probably celebrated New Year's on January third or something, just to be contrary. â€Å"You haven't been around in a while.† I wondered what Seth had told his family about us, if he'd even told them anything at all. Maybe he was just going to say nothing until one of them noticed my absence. â€Å"Ah, well,† I said. â€Å"Seth and I are having a disagreement.† She clucked her tongue disapprovingly. â€Å"You two need to sit down and fix it then.† How I wished it was that easy. I forced a neutral smile. â€Å"We'll see,† I said. â€Å"But the thing is . . . I may be moving. No, I am moving. I have a new job . . . and I was wondering if you'd like to stay in my condo when I leave. I remember you saying you didn't want to impose on Seth's space but that you wished you could stick around more to help. Well, now you can. You can have your own place. Mine.† â€Å"I can't afford to keep my place in Chicago and pay rent somewhere here, though,† she said sadly. â€Å"That's been the problem.† â€Å"You don't have to pay rent,† I said. â€Å"You can stay there for free.† She eyed me curiously. â€Å"How will you afford your mortgage?† Yes, how indeed would a poor retail-bound girl like me be able to swing that? â€Å"The condo's paid off,† I explained. Let her think it was passed down through the family or something. â€Å"And my new job pays well. Look, I really don't mind you staying. It'd be worth it to me to know that the girls have you close by to help. I mean, they're going to need a strong woman around, right?† Margaret took a few moments to answer. â€Å"Right. I just thought you'd be that woman.† â€Å"Fate has other plans,† I said. Wasn't that the damned truth. â€Å"Is that why you and Seth aren't getting along? Because you're moving? I'm surprised he doesn't just go with you. . . .† â€Å"No, no, it's not that at all,† I assured her. â€Å"It's . . . complicated. If it was as simple as moving, he would when he was able to . . . you know, when Andrea's better.† I hesitated, afraid of the answer to the next question, but it was one I had to know. With no contact from Seth, the status of the Mortensens had been a mystery. â€Å"How is Andrea? Is she still doing well?† â€Å"Yes, she's doing great. We won't know the details for sure until she sees the doctor in a couple weeks, but on the outside, things look wonderful. We're all praying.† I found myself smiling, unable to help my joy and relief. Andrea had looked good at Christmas, but I'd worried ever since then that whatever demon had made her sick before would return one of these days. Again, a doctor would have the ultimate answer, but I took Margaret's own observation as a good sign. â€Å"Thank you,† I said. â€Å"You have no idea how much that makes my night. I've needed some good news.† â€Å"Well, thank you for the housing offer. Can I let you know my answer later?† â€Å"Of course,† I said. I wished her a happy new year and told her good night. Then, I hurried off before I cracked and asked her to deliver some sentimental message to Seth. I liked Roman's company, but I still couldn't shake the wrongness of being out with him instead of Seth tonight. After last year's miserable New Year's Eve, I'd hoped this one would be better. â€Å"That was nice of you,† Roman said, when I explained what I discussed with Margaret. â€Å"It's an easy thing for me to do that can help a lot of people,† I said. â€Å"No reason not to.† He shook his head, incredulous. â€Å"You shouldn't even need a technicality to escape Hell's reach. They should fire you out of principle.† The restaurant was tiny but elegant – and packed. I seriously doubted any connections Roman had would get us in, but through some magic, the hostess beckoned us through the crowd and led us back to a cozy candlelit corner. In it was a table covered with an old-fashioned lace cloth, as well as crystal and china place settings – for three. I looked at her in surprise. â€Å"But there's only – â€Å" â€Å"Hey, hope I'm not late.† Carter suddenly emerged from the crowd, wearing his usual grunge wear. The hostess didn't even blink an eye. Seeing us about to sit down, he smiled. â€Å"I guess not.† â€Å"What are you doing here?† I asked. I looked to Roman, who appeared just as perplexed as I was. â€Å"I didn't tell him any details. He called while you were inside Seth's to see if we were going to Peter's, and I told him we were going to dinner instead. That's it.† Carter waved it off. â€Å"That's as good as a homing beacon. I love this place. You're getting wine, right?† It wasn't that I was unhappy to see Carter. It was just that when Carter appeared, there was usually a reason. â€Å"So you heard?† I said, once we'd placed our orders and dispensed with small talk. Carter swirled the wine in his glass. We'd ordered a nice vintage that would probably be wasted on him at the rate he drank. â€Å"That you're skipping Peter's party? Yeah, I did. Man, he's going to be pissed.† I rolled my eyes. â€Å"That's not what I mean. Are you here about the appeal we filed?† â€Å"I'm here to have dinner with friends,† said Carter demurely. â€Å"But now that you mention it . . .† â€Å"Word gets around fast, huh?† I asked. It had been a couple hours since we'd seen Hugh, more than enough time for him to deliver the paperwork to Mei and enough for her to have told Jerome. â€Å"Oh, I found out from him,† said Carter, nodding toward Roman. â€Å"He asked when he called me earlier,† explained Roman. â€Å"He knew we'd been working on it.† â€Å"How?† I asked, startled. â€Å"Hugh and I have had to consult him on a couple of things this week,† said Roman. â€Å"Nothing that breaks any rules, of course.† Carter gave him a mock toast to that. â€Å"But enough to clarify a couple points about Hell's fucked-up legal system.† I wondered what they had needed to consult Carter on but doubted they'd tell me. I was also kind of amazed that I'd been so out of it this week that I hadn't even known my legal team had been in touch with the angel. No, on second thought, I wasn't that surprised. My misery had been pretty all-consuming. â€Å"So what do you think our odds are?† I asked. Carter shook his head. â€Å"I can't answer that.† â€Å"Because it breaks a rule?† â€Å"Because it's too tempting for me to answer with a joke about a snowball's chance in Hell.† I sighed. â€Å"That's not very comforting.† â€Å"You're awfully grim about this,† said Carter. â€Å"I figured there'd be a little more excitement from someone trying to win back their soul.† â€Å"It doesn't mean much without Seth,† I said. â€Å"Oh, for God's sake,† said Roman. He reached for the wine bottle. â€Å"You're on the verge of getting your soul and your life back . . . and he's still what determines your happiness ? You don't need a relationship to be happy, Georgina.† â€Å"No,† I agreed. â€Å"But Seth's not just any relationship. He's tied to my soul. He found me in the world of dreams. We've come together, life after life. I'm not just some girl who needs a guy around. Seth and I are connected. We both have done terrible things to each other . . . but also made great sacrifices for each other. It just seems like only half a victory to get my soul back but not be with the person who's affected it so much.† Roman surprised me by acknowledging the point. â€Å"Okay. I can see where you're coming from there.† â€Å"And,† added Carter gently, â€Å"you need to replay your own words there. You and Seth have come back together, life after life. What makes you think you won't again?† â€Å"Well, his recent actions for one,† I remarked bitterly. â€Å"That and . . . I don't know. Just the look in his eyes.† â€Å"Seth had a lot thrown at him all at once. Whose idea was the hypnosis anyway?† â€Å"Mine,† said Roman. â€Å"And get that accusing tone out of your voice. It was the fastest and easiest way we had to get the information we needed.† â€Å"Perhaps,† said Carter. â€Å"But there's a reason reborn mortals forget their past lives. It's a lot to process, and that kind of regression brings on too much, too fast.† â€Å"Hugh kind of said something like that too,† I said. Carter nodded, gray eyes kind. â€Å"Don't give up on Seth yet. I think he might surprise you once he's settled down. He loved you enough to always come back to you. He loved you enough to remember you, even when Hell tried to erase you from his mind. That's powerful stuff, Daughter of Lilith.† It was, and I suddenly questioned how fairly I'd been approaching this situation. My old fears had held me back from truly fighting for Seth. I also hadn't really tried to imagine what it must be like for him to have ten people in one mind. â€Å"It could take a while,† I said, unable to meet Carter's eyes. â€Å"For him to come around, I mean. And it could take a while for Hell to respond to my appeal too, right?† Both men nodded. â€Å"What do I do then? What do I do with all that time?† â€Å"You live,† said Carter. â€Å"You go on with the life you have, with the opportunities you have. You want your soul. You want Seth. If it's within your power to achieve those things, do it. If it's not, accept it and figure out what else you want.† I muddled over his words. â€Å"Part of my immediate life is dictated for me. I have to go to Las Vegas.† â€Å"What do you want to do there?† prompted Carter. â€Å"Be happy . . . if it's possible.† I knew I was being melodramatic but couldn't help it. â€Å"If I have to be there, I'd like some sort of chance at a happy life that I created. Not a fake one Hell fashioned for me.† I thought about it some more. â€Å"I'd like to find out if Bastien is my friend first and Hell's servant second.† â€Å"There you go,† said Carter. â€Å"Start there. Focus on what you can control.† â€Å"I'd like to help Seth's family too,† I added, kind of on a roll now. â€Å"I'm already trying to do something for his mom, but before I leave them, I want to do whatever I can. Even if Hell leaves Andrea alone, we don't know how things will turn out. Even if Seth decides he never wants to see me again, I still care about them. And there are still things they need.† â€Å"Indeed. That pony collection isn't nearly complete,† Carter mused. When I dared a look back at him, I saw that the angel was smiling at me. â€Å"You see? You aren't lost. No matter what happens to you, you have a plan. There's still hope.† â€Å"You told me that once . . . that no matter what happens, there's always hope. Do you really still believe that?† I asked. Carter topped off all of our wineglasses. â€Å"I'm an angel, Georgina. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.† â€Å"And even though you're counseling contingency plans, you still think I can pull it all off, don't you?† I pushed. â€Å"What do you know that I don't?† â€Å"At this point?† he admitted. â€Å"Nothing more than you do. The only difference is that I think I have more faith in you than you do.† â€Å"You're an angel,† I pointed out, throwing his words back at him. â€Å"Don't you have to have faith in everyone?† â€Å"You'd be surprised.† He chuckled. â€Å"I have faith in some more than others. And you? I've always been one of your biggest fans. If you believe nothing else, believe that.† â€Å"Here, here,† said Roman, raising his glass. â€Å"To faith and a new year.† I clinked glasses with them and caught Carter's eye. He winked. Was it enough? His faith? I'd noted before that having him pull for the Mortensens was a powerful thing. Having an angel say he believed in you was equally monumental. But I wasn't fighting an ordinary adversary. I was fighting Hell, the only force that could stand against Heaven. I've always been one of your biggest fans. I would find out soon if it was enough. For now, I drank up and tried to have hope.